The Natural Beauty Tag:With Beauty From Katie


I have been reading Katie’s blog since 2015, so when I started to think about collabing with another blogger She was the obvious first choice and I was so excited to collab with her on this tag.

What is this tag all about?

Well instead of chatting about makeup and how to make ourselves look even more fabulous, we thought it would be fun to talk a little about how we care for the beauty we were born with.

Thus The Natural Beauty Tag was born!

What do you love most about your skin?
It isn’t very sensitive! A lot of my friends and relatives have sensitive skin and are very careful about the products that they use, but luckily there aren’t many products that cause me to have a breakout. I haven’t found many that actually do something, but at least they don’t cause harm.
What is your biggest skin concern?
It can be dry, especially in the winter. I have had eczema in the past so I’m constantly trying to prevent it again. 
Do you tend to use skincare/haircare products from one brand or do you switch them up?
With skincare I use a variety of products, but with haircare I at least like to use a shampoo and conditioner from the same line. I’m currently using the Redken Allsoft range, which I love, but I’m going to switch it up when those run out.
How does your skincare routine change throughout the seasons?
I use a gel, charcoal-based cleanser in the summer when my skin isn’t very dry, and use a cream cleanser in the winter because it’s less stripping. My moisturizers are also a lot stronger in the winter. 
At what age did you start or will you start using anti-aging products?
I’ve been using an eye cream for about a year (I’m twenty now), sunscreens, and I just started using an anti-aging bee venom serum. I’ve heard it’s much easier to prevent wrinkles than getting rid of them, so I’m trying to start as early as I can! 
What do you do to rescue your skin when it feels tired and gross?
Exfoliate! I’m obsessed with scrubs and it seems like I have a different one for each body part. Currently I’m using the Alba Botanic pineapple enzyme exfoliator the face, Tocca’s Cleopatra scrub on my chest and arms, and the Lush Ocean Salt scrub on my legs.  I highly recommend the first two, but I don’t like the scent of the Lush one and it isn’t gritty enough for my preference! I recently picked up the Soap and Glory Sugarcrush scrub, which smells amazing and I hope I will like much more.
What are your go-to skincare products?
The only ones I’ve found that I will repurchase are the Alba Botanical scrub that I just mentioned and the Ordinary Moisturizing Factors + HA moisturizer. I really want to try more from the Ordinary, I have a feeling they could be a holy grail skincare line, but other than those two I haven’t found any that I want to stick with.
Do you think that organic or all-natural ingredients truly make a difference in skincare or haircare?
Depending on the ingredient and the brand, yes! Oils are especially beneficial to my skin and hair. I try to look for products that have high-quality ingredients listed close to the top of the list. I’m also trying to be more aware of what I’m washing down the drain, so the more natural a product is the better I feel about it.
What type of hair do you have?
My hair is dark brown (I’ve never dyed it) and is somewhat long, it’s well past my shoulders. It’s very damaged from years of competitive swimming and heat styling without a heat protectant, but I really don’t want to cut it! I think it’s on the thicker side and it’s naturally wavy.  
Do you like to wear your hair naturally or do you usually style it?
I straighten it most of the time or wear it in a ponytail or bun. I very rarely wear it down naturally because I can never depend on it to look nice. I’m testing out sea salt sprays as well because I love the tousled wave look. Any recommendations would be much appreciated!
How do you keep your hair healthy?
Whether or not I have “healthy” hair is debatable, but my hair has definitely improved in the past few years! I wash it around three times a week, focusing shampoo only on the scalp where the oils are produced and putting conditioner only on the ends, where the oils never reach. I use dry shampoo (like the Batiste cherry kind) as many times as I can get away with. I always let my hair dry naturally and use a heat protectant before straightening it. I’ve also started using a hair mask around once a week (I’m using the Macadamia Deep Repair Masque) and I let that sit in my hair for around ten minutes. I do still swim occasionally so before I go in the water I put oil or conditioner on the ends. Oh, and I use a lot of leave-in conditioner! The one from It’s a 10 is my go-to, it’s recommended by a ton of swimmers and surfers who probably have damaged hair like me.
Do you feel like there is a misconception about beauty bloggers being dependent on makeup?
Absolutely! With women in general I think there is this idea that we wear makeup out of insecurity. Maybe some people do, and I don’t judge them for it, but I doubt so many people would dedicate much of their time and money buying, watching, writing about, and practicing their makeup skills if they didn’t love it. Personally, I love switching up my makeup routine and learning new techniques! It makes me really happy, and I’m guessing other beauty bloggers feel the same way. If I “depend” on makeup it’s only because I find it a hobby and get joy from it, the same way I “depend” on books or music.
Thank you so much to Katie for working with me to create this tag.
I answered the same questions over on her blog so be sure to head over to Beauty From Katie to read my answers and give her a follow while you’re there.
I wouldn’t know where to start with tagging bloggers, so if you’re reading this, tag your it!
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Published by asparkleofgrace

22-year-old Beauty & Lifestyle blogger.

7 thoughts on “The Natural Beauty Tag:With Beauty From Katie

  1. Great tag!! My biggest concern is the fact that even though my skin is oily, in winter it gets extremely dry and I need to use extra products in my daily routine.



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